Josu Trueba Leiva
He started studying photography at Espai Fotogràfic Can Basté in Barcelona. After that, he got specialized in photojournalism. He is a contributing member of RUIDO Photo, an independent organization specialized in documentary and composed by photographers, journalists and designers.
Usually his lens focuses on social issues related to his own environment. Documentary work of author narrated from the intimacy of its characters such as the new squatting movement in Barcelona, the long journeys that Basque political prisoners relatives must make to different jails all around the Spanish and French states to visit their loved ones and the Punk movement in Cuba. He has taught participatory workshops in Cuba with Ruidophoto and has also exhibited his work in the Basque Country, Cuba and Spain. His works have been published in Basque newspapers. His latest work “Train crash in Santiago” has recently been published on The Sunday Times.
He received with RuidoPhoto an honorable mention in POY LATAM 2013 for Al son del punk/Kuidado ke muerden book. A Cuban punk project.