BOSTOK members
BOSTOK PHOTO is a Basque Country based collective that provides quality pictures with a personal vision of the world. BOSTOK photographers have a long career photographing the Basque Country, covering its political armed conflict, as well as the region’s cultural issues and strong traditions. As part of the world, they also look abroad looking for important stories to tell, such as international conflicts, daily life at countries in developing processes and other social and human topics around the planet. its members are continuously finding the way to show their vision of our time using some first-class photojournalism and documentary photography skills for that purpose.
Gari Garaialde

As everyone in our times, my first contact with photography was with an old camera we had at home; the one my parents used to take pictures of our holidays. Even though I used it to look people through it, rather than to take photos. I learned how to use a camera some years later, in a period I spent in Torquay (England), trying to learn some english. There I was captivated by red lights and there I was first charmed, watching the image appearing slowly in white sheets.
After that, I started taking photos and arrived my first works: some collaborations here, two photos there, some images for some record covers… and I got into this amazing world.
I worked in ARGIA for deveral years, a weekly magazine, and after that I had the chance to become a staff photographer at EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA, the only daily newspaper written in Basque language at that time. I worked there since 1998 till the end of 2001.
I joined Argazki Press at the beginning of 2002, when this photo agency was created, and I worked as a photographer, where I stayed until the end of March 2013.
Since 2015 I colborate with Getty Images and my work has been published in different newspapers such as Gara, Berria, La Gaceta, El Pais, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, The Washington Post and Récord among others.
I collaborate with severl worldwide agencies such as Imago Images and InTime.
Since 2015 I work as staff photographer during the San Sebastian International Film Festival.
In 2013 we created BOSTOK PHOTO, a collective that will let us, the photographers, to become responsible of our decisions and to show our vision of our time.
Here I am taking photos of what I have ahead, still looking at the people trhough my camera.
Ander Gillenea

Ander Gillenea (Donostia, 1969) is a Basque Country based photographer. He has been working as a photojournalist since 1990 when he began to cover daily life in the Basque Country for the Euskaldunon Egunkaria newspaper. From 1997 he is working as a freelance photojournalist collaborating with international agencies and newspapers. His work is published in Basque newspapers as well as international newspapers such as International Herald Tribune, The New York Times, The Guardian, Liberation, Berliner Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau among others.
Josu Trueva Leiva

He started studying photography at Espai Fotogràfic Can Basté in Barcelona. After that, he got specialized in photojournalism. He is a contributing member of RUIDO Photo, an independent organization specialized in documentary and composed by photographers, journalists and designers.
Usually his lens focuses on social issues related to his own environment. Documentary work of author narrated from the intimacy of its characters such as the new squatting movement in Barcelona, the long journeys that Basque political prisoners relatives must make to different jails all around the Spanish and French states to visit their loved ones and the Punk movement in Cuba. He has taught participatory workshops in Cuba with Ruidophoto and has also exhibited his work in the Basque Country, Cuba and Spain. His works have been published in Basque newspapers. His latest work “Train crash in Santiago” has recently been published on The Sunday Times.
He received with RuidoPhoto an honorable mention in POY LATAM 2013 for Al son del punk/Kuidado ke muerden book. A Cuban punk project.