Fighting for their Rights

A working girl yells slogans as workers on Arcelor Mittal plant and inhabitants of Zumarraga demonstrate against the shuting of the factory. Zumarraga (Basque Country) April 12, 2016. Arcelor Mittal decided last march this plant was being closed down permanently and...

Arnaldo Otegi Leaves Prison

Basque politician Arnaldo Otegi gives a speach as he leaves Logroño penitentiary center, where has been imprisoned since October 16, 2009. Logroño (Spain). March 1, 2016. Arnaldo Otegi is a politician, member of the Basque patriotic left movement, who was arrested...

Angela Davis

American political activist, scholar, and author Angela Yvonne Davis (L) and Basque musucian Fermin Muguruza (R) leave the penitentiary center after she was denied authotization to visit inprisoned Basque politician Arnaldo Otegi. Logroño (Spain) February 7, 2016....

Tradition on their Back

People dressed up in “Joaldunak” (“those who play the bell”) costume perform during the celebration of an ancient traditional carnival. Zubieta (Basque Country). February 2, 2016. The “Joaldunak” (“those who play the...

Gone Wild

A masked litle boy,  with a  cow head on his shoulder, performs during the celebration of an ancient traditional carnival. Ituren (Basque Country). February 1, 2016. The “Joaldunak” (“those who play the bell”) is a character that takes part in...
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