Free Them All

Two men hold a banner where can be read ‘Basque Prisoner and exiliated’ as they attend a demonstration called by “Arnaldo Askatu” (Free Arnaldo) platform with the slogan “Free Arnaldo and Rafa. Freedom for Politics”, demanding the release from prison of Basque politicians Arnaldo Otegi and Rafa Diez. Donostia (Basque Country) October 17, 2015. Arnaldo Otegi and Rafa Diez are members of the Basque Patriotic Left movement who were arrested acussed of trying to rebuild Batasuna pro-independence party , and were given a ten-year sentence. In May 2012 Arnaldo’s sentence was reduced to 6½ years by the Supreme Court of Spain when they decided that he was not part of ETA. (Gari Garaialde / BostokPhoto)