Cuban Women

Food Sovereingty Guarantors



As in many countries of the world, Cuba is not exempt from the consequences of the food crisis. Within the current global financial crisis, political debates and decisions are focused on achieving a national security goal: To ensure its population’ food supply through the food sovereignty in the Caribbean island. One of the foundations of its new economic model, is to deliver unused lands as usufruct to people who wish and are trained to work on them. More than one million 580 thousand hectares of idle land have been delivered as usufruct so far since Government Decree 259 was approved in 2008. In 2012 that decree was substituted by Government Decree 300, which increased the flexibility of that preliminary protocol. Six million 342 thousand 418 hectares is the total agricultural surface in the country. 16 percent of that amount is considered idle lands. Working the land takes a huge effort. It’s not only about having strong arms and backs it is also and more important about being entrepreneurs. Women, as in anywhere else in the world, are the main characters of this challenge. Although they are already in charge of the housekeeping and domestic routines, they now have a new role on the fields. Thousands of Cuban women have joined their husbands and sons on the agriculture and farming: they work altogether the lands that have received as a usufruct. From the inaccessible heights of Guantanamo to the vicinity of Havana, women have come together on this. They are the leaders of one of the most important struggles of history: the struggle for food sovereignty.

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