An Interview with Nora Cortiñas

Nora Morales de Cortiñas (Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 22, 1930) is a militant and Argentine human rights advocate, co-founder of the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, and mothers of Plaza of Mayo founding line. She is a social psychologist and Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Since 1998 she is holder of the Chair to “Economic and Human Rights”. Doctor Honoris Causa from the free University of Brussels, Belgium, on 2000 and on 2004 from the University of Salta, for her career in defense of economic and social rights of the Argentinian population.

In 2012, the University of Buenos Aires distinguished with the honorary doctorate, when she said: “This is a sturdy and strong hug, that I share with my family and dedicate to Gustavo who today I made him an offering, when I submited an “habeas corpus” as I did for years, from the first day they took him away (…)” I want to share this distinction with mothers who were carried by the dictatorship, from the Church of the Holy Cross to the ESMA; with all the mothers fighting companions”

This is an interview with her about the Basque Conflict.

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