Frontera Velka Ida. Participatory photography workshop

Frontera Velka Ida. Participatory photography workshop info A group of young Roma ethnic Slovaks, aged between 10 and 21, are the authors of the work “Frontera Velka Ida”, as a result of the participatory photography workshop given by Josu Trueba Leiva and...

Arnaldo Otegi Leaves Prison

Otegi left Logroño penitentiary center and walked from the prison gates where his family, friends and a crowd of supporters gathered.

40 Marches, 40 Prisons

More than 25 years after started the policy of dispersion against the Basque political prisoners, the Basque pro-independence left party organized 40 marches to 40 Spanish prisons and mobilized 74 buses and more than 4,300 people.

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